A True Opportunity with Incredible Positioning

You're here because you've been looking for a business opportunity or you strongly desire to work from home. Think about your current situation for a moment. What would happen if you lost your job tomorrow? What would you do if your current company suffered a shocker like the Enron employees saw one day when they walked in to work? What are you going to do for income when you are not able to maintain your current employment? Have you thought seriously about the possibility to never have to work for another person or company again? NOW is the time to act because the current way the economy and the perspectives of people worldwide are changing. What are you doing now for yourself, your health, your family and the world? Are you looking for not only a golden opportunity, but a chance to not just leave a mark on society, but a chance to leave a legacy? If you are serious about improving your financial and personal life, I strongly urge you to visit this opportunity to see how it is not only impacting people's lives, but the entire world. To see an incredible free video, click here. I also encourage you to bookmark this site and read my personal articles on having a successful home-based business.

Make Money Not Tears

So, you've determined that you really want to have a home business, you've found what looks like a great opportunity, you join, you talk to your friends and family...and they say something like, "C'mon, that stuff never works." They may even laugh and tell you to "get a real job." You get a sunken feeling in your stomach, your face gets flushed, and you really feel like crying.
If you've been in a business opportunity for any length of time, this is probably the route you started with and you've probably had the unwelcome feeling described above. I know I have. Nothing else can describe the feeling of being hurt like that. Afterall, we were just looking for a better financial status and quality of life. When that happened, the dreams and goals got sunk.

Take a deep breath now, and realize that it's not your fault and it's certainly not the end. What just happened is what I call "proof". It's proof that there are people out there that want more out of life and proof that there are people who just want to be average. There's nothing wrong with being average, but if you are one that has taken the initiative to LOOK for a business opportunity, you're not average. You are proof that there are others out there looking for the same thing. Those are the people you need to be talking to.

When I speak with like-minded people that are interested in getting in this business, I emphasize that we are not in the sales business. If you feel like you're job is to "sell", then you're bound to fail. It's a proven fact! It's about relationships with like-minded people and about mentoring those that join your opportunity. If you teach them to "sell", you're sunk. THEY are sunk. Your organization is sunk. People who see this as an opportunity won't need to be sold. They are there to duplicate what you do.

So, how do go about finding like-minded individuals? If you're reading this, you and I are probably like-minded. I use the internet 99% of the time to build relationships with like-minded people. On the internet, it doesn't matter if you're 18 or 80, black or white, on the East Coast or the West Coast. I have people in my business from around the world. I do not sell my opportunity, I present it and let the person make the decision. If they are not interested, that's fine. Remember, some will, some won't, so what...next! There are a ton of forums, opt-in email lists, and even Google AdWords that you can use to target people. Use these to "meet" people who are most likely interested in what you have to offer. Not everyone will be interested. That's a fact of life. But, with the right opportunity, you really only need 2 people per month and teach those 2 to duplicate...and so on. Do just that for a year, and you'll be making more money in one month than you do in a year working at a regular job.

To summarize, save yourself a ton of heartache and get yourself involved in the right audience. Most importantly, don't "sell", and teach your downline to not sell. Nobody wants to sell and if they feel there is selling involved, they won't join you and you'll just be playing the crying game all over again.

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